Joseph Sempill ( Irish, active 1867-1874), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
In May 2021, the North West Craft Network took some time to
explore the opportunities and the difficulties that the pandemic has presented
to us, and examined what we thought our priorities should be for the next year
or so. We're just wrapping up our work on our priorities, but in a nutshell they will be: Wellbeing and the value of craft; diversity and inclusion and maker support. More on that soon, but in the meantime, here’s a summary of what we felt was pushing us forward, what has potential,
and what is holding us back…
Pushing us forward
While the pandemic had brought great turbulence, problems,
and hardship, it has also brought an opportunity to think about doing things
differently and a push to accelerate change. Makers and organisations have
tried new platforms and been forced to find funding – all of which are
experiences that can be built upon. Forced to look for stay at home activities
that are nourishing, social and accessible, people have rediscovered the value
of everyday making and creativity in unprecedented levels.
Within the North West Craft Network, we have a wide range of
fantastic organisations working together. Access to a group of people outside
of our small teams has expanded the possibility to access other ways of doing
and thinking about things by providing a diversity of perspectives. Within that
network, not only do we have a wealth of collective skills, knowledge, and
expertise, but members are passionate about craft and making and about how
their organisations support it along with goodwill and willingness to share.
Areas of potential
The increased public engagement with craft and perceived
value of creativity by both public and professional together has been brought
into sharp focus by the pandemic. Together with a weariness in throwaway
consumerism in the young, this is something that the craft sector can respond
to and build upon. The pandemic has given us a unique opportunity to make a new
Holding us back
Despite the things pushing us forward and the potential for
growth, there are hard realities such as reduced funding and increased
competition for the funding that there is. Everyone is short of time and
resources and has to balance their organisation’s priorities with that of the
craft sector nationally and regionally. We are not diverse enough either in our
network or in the wider sector, and there is sometimes a lack of clarity over
what it is we are trying to achieve, leading to a feeling of there being too
much talking and not enough doing.
Within the wider context, we are facing a
recession and ongoing economic hardship that will impact on us all. And while
there are many creative graduates, they are not exploring craft as a career. We
need to attract more and work out how to support them. Alongside this there is an
emerging tension between hobbyist and professional approaches to craft, between
the democracy of making on the one hand and the perceived elitism and
exclusivity of professional craft on the other.